There is a certain stigma that comes with self-publishing, the term being branded as vanity publishing. However, a deeper understanding of how publishing works can help you know what truly is in store for you in terms of self-publishing.
Many aspiring authors who have grown tired of trying to get an agent, let alone get their book published. With so many authors, a mountain of manuscripts and limited shelf-space, these authors have taken things into their own hands, going en-route self-publishing.
According to Bowker, the agency that assigns ISBNs and publishes the Books in Print database, self-published books have outnumbered traditional titles in production last year.
Self-publishing, just like traditional publishing, is not for everyone. However, it can be right for you. If you find yourself in any of these situations, then self-publishing just might work to your advantage:
• You know that your book has real potential but find it difficult to get an agent or a publisher.
• You are a professional (business entrepreneur, public speaker, church leader, etc) who wants to publish a book that will cater to your prospective audience or target audience.
• You do not seek fame and fortune. You only want to have something special to give to your loved ones.
• You want to get full creative control of your book’s entire creative process. Since it is your book, you want to want to be in complete charge.
• You have given up on rejection letters and simply want to get your book published.
Publishing power does not all have to be in the hands of major publishers – it belongs to the author. Moreover, major publishers just cannot see the next bestseller when they see one.
Self-publishing provides an opportunity for aspiring authors to not just launch their writing careers, but truly fulfill their dream of getting published.
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